Monday, 11 July 2011

Love the Weekend

It's been a good weekend - well apart from the fact that I haven't left the flat in days and am going a little crazy... But I was really excited on Friday when I checked my e-mail and discovered that I had sold 2 (yes, 2) mosaic necklaces! How great is that? So a massive thank you to Julia from MyApplique who bought them (check out her Folksy shop - it's cute!) Part of me is a little sad to see them go - the mosaic one is one of the very first necklaces I made, and the Red Reflection one is my favourite design. But I'm glad they're going to such a nice person. Just in case you've forgotten what they look like - here are the two necklaces in their boxes about to be put in the post:

Posting these turned out to be harder than expected. I don't have business cards yet (because that would make me feel like a grown-up) so up to now I've been printing off a small card with the Creating Trouble logo on it and using it instead. Except for last night my printer decided it just didn't like me. At all. After about an hour or so messing around with it, Andy decided to try printing with the same printer from his Mac. And of course, it liked him. Admittedly we only managed to get one piece of paper out of it in full colour, and normally my cards are a LOT smaller than half an A4 sheet, but at least we managed to get something!

It was such a palaver (love that word!) Andy decided to design and order me some business cards. They should be arriving on Wednesday or Thursday and I'm really excited to see them!

AND... I follow quite a few other blogs and tend to comment when I see something I like or get asked a question. This weekend Kate from Scientific Culture posted a picture of one of her yetis and asked what people were up to this weekend. Apparently my comment was the most interesting response (it involved turning into a Yeti to be able to move) and she's sending me one of her cute badges! How cool is that?

Go & check out Scientific Culture on Etsy - really cute badges & more!
I'm getting a Yeti Thumbs Up badge... it's so cute! And in fact has quite a lot of character so I think he deserves a name... Any suggestions? Thank you Kate for deciding to send me a badge :-D


PoetessWug said...

Congratulations on your sales and on your new badge! I have no experience at naming 'badges', but I'd go with something that rhymes. LOL

Creating Trouble said...

What rhymes with yeti? Apart from spaghetti... which I don't think is appropriate!

Kate said...

You are very welcome Alex! I just sent your badge out so hopefully you'll be getting him soon. I'd love to hear what name you decide on too! What fun!

Ana Goncalves said...

Congrats on your sales! That's wonderful news, it always makes one happy to see that others love one's item. What about the Yeti of the Serengeti? It's the only one that comes to mind. Hope your friend figures out a suitable name for it. :)

PoetessWug said...

Betty the Yeti, Eddie the Yeti, Freddy, Teddy,... Ha! Ha! I could be here all day!

Creating Trouble said...

Yay thank you Kate!

Can Yetis survive in the Serengeti? Wouldn't their fur be a bit of an issue?

Debbie- I think he's a boy…

Ana Goncalves said...

Good point, about the Yeti surviving in the Serengeti. Perhaps that can be part of the adventure! They can always shave their fur. I suppose that would defeat the purpose of them being a Yeti in the first place. The Yeti that survied the Serengeti maybe? Heehee

marci said...

Awesome! Congratulations on the sales! I can't wait to see what your business cards look like. I totally feel your pain about the printer. Mine only works when it's in the mood. ;)

And YAY for the button from Scientific Culture! I love Kate's blog and shop.

Creating Trouble said...

Thank you!

Ana -he's only a very little yeti to have such a long name... Serengeti-surviving Yeti? I'm beginning to think his name might well be Eddie...


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