Saturday, 27 August 2011

Blogger Winner!!

Well a little later than I previously hoped, I have finally got around to the results of the blog giveaway. In case you have forgotten, the prize is a fabulous blue lotsa bunnies tote bag and you can see it here. Anyway, as I am not a very technical bunny my method of finding a winner is the old-fashioned write everyone's names down and pick them out of a hat... or in this case a bowl. Are you excited yet? Shall I reveal who won?

All the names were put into a bowl - in today's case it was our ultra heavy mortar... hmmm wonder where the pestle has got to?

I put my hand in, closed my eyes and picked out a piece of paper which for some reason I felt the need to put on the floor beside the bowl and take a photo of before I opened it...

But then of course I did open it... and the lucky winner is:

Congratulations Shannon! 

A bunny bag will be hopping its way over to you just as soon as you have sent me an e-mail with your address on it. I hope you like it! 

For those of you who didn't get the bunny bag - bunny bags are available in my Etsy store and I'm sure I'll be doing another giveaway at some point in the near enough future. What should the next goal be? 500 facebook followers? 1000 tweeps? 200 GFC followers? hmmmm - what do you think? 


shan314 said...

AHHH!!! I can't believe I won!! This is the greatest day ever! Yahoo!!!! :-D Thank you, thank you, thank you Al! I'm so happy & I can't wait to get my adorable bunny bag - weeeeee!

J Honda said...

Hooray!! Congratulations Shannon!!


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