Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Project Update

I bet you're all wondering whether I actually still do anything crafty these days - I haven't blogged about my own craft projects for a while but that's not to say I haven't been doing anything... honest! Admittedly, I haven't done as much recently as I would normally have done, partly because it's a new school year and things are a bit hectic and partly because I have had loads of inspiration but no motivation. What is it that Einstein (Eddison?) said? Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration? Well I'm lacking in the 99% bit at present!

I have, however, been doing some things of late...

I know a number of you who read this know me from Twitter as well and may well have noticed that I've been mentioning penguins the last few days. Some of you may also have seen said penguins. I broke a very old keyring the other day but while the charm bit had fallen off, I still had the actual ring. Coupled with a whole load of felt I've had hanging around looking at me for a while now, I got to thinking... I needed a new keyring charm. I can't say I went through a whole load of designs before I got to this one - one of my favourite animals is a penguin and it seemed quite natural to make a penguin. So this is what I made:

Well, I couldn't leave him all lonely, could I? On Tuesday I went to the local hardware store next to work and bought some key rings. So what have I been doing this evening? Yup, I've made some more. The penguin family is now at 5. I have plans for green, red and turquiose ones but at present haven't got any suitable ribbon for them. The red ribbon I have doesn't sit right with my red felt and, when put with the green felt, is a bit too Christmassy. So I need to get some pretty ribbon... I know just the place. I have a question for you: do you prefer the penguins with the white stitching or the ones where the stitching is a near match to the felt? I thought I'd prefer the stitching to be the same but I'm not sure...

What else? Well back in April I wrote a post about bags (you can see it here). The first bag I showed you was the crazy crazy wool bag. I had finished the main part of it and most of the lining but couldn't find any buttons suitable. Do you know how hard it is to find really large wooden buttons? Oh my, it's been a nightmare! BUT... I have finished the crazy wool bag, and in fact have used it a number of times too. I've realised I made the strap a little too long so I am going to pin it and sew it a bit shorter but otherwise I am quite happy with it. Do you like the buttons?

I"m not done yet!!! I have also made a few new mosaic pendant designs! There should be one more but I managed to break it while trying to grout it this evening so I need to take it to pieces and start again. It was my favourite design but the one I knew was the most precarious due to the millefiori I had used in it.

Sadly I've only just taken the photos of these and as it's quite dark in the flat the photos haven't totally come out. The paler one is light green and orange porcelain - totally upcycled materials as they used to be plates belonging to a friend of mine. I couldn't get a close up shot without it all going blurry but once I have the right light I will try to. Of the larger shots, the top one is a repeated red, purple and turquoise mirror design while the lower one has become known as the Google pendant because it's colours match Google's.

Just to let you know - once I have managed to take some decent shots, the key-rings and pendants will be going into my Etsy store - or if you would like one and can't wait for me to take pictures and list them, get in contact with me via the contact section of this blog and I can let you know prices / payment arrangements etc.


marci said...

You have been busy! I love the penguins! I had a little penguin inspiration last week, too, and made a mini penguin plushie. He's my new favorite! :)

Kirsty Harper said...

The penguins are so cute! They look quite simple too! In my personal opinion I actually prefer the white stitching as it gives the penguins an extra bit of pattern to stand out, so they're not too plain. But hey that's my own opinion - its up to you the designer! Good job! :)

PoetessWug said...

First of all, let me say, that I didn't see any of these things on Twitter. In fact, I'm hardly ever on Twitter anymore these days. Seemed like people started getting apps for everything and programming their comments in!! LOL...As to the key rings, LOVE THEM! And I like the white stitching showing. It makes him look colder...and penguins 'should' look colder! ^_^...As to your new bag, way to go!! It's nice! And did I see crochet on it? And a lining?!...YOU GO GIRL!! LOL And, of course, because the buttons are like little flowers, I LOVE them too! :-] And, without a comment, you already know I love your colorful pendants!...So, here's the recap: No to Twitter. Yes to penguin stitching. Yes to colorful pendants! ^_^ Have a good day crafty girl!

Debbie said...

You've been really busy! Love the little penguins!

Creating Trouble said...

Thank you for all your lovely comments! I think I prefer the white stitching on the penguins too - which is kind of a pain as I just bought a whole load of silks and it didn't include white! (but did include magenta, royal blue and every shade of green I can imagine!) But I think white it shall be...

I've rewarded myself tonight with doing absolutely nothing whatsoever. I haven't even tidied!

CinLynn Boutique said...

Wow! I don't know where to start! I love the penguins!! So cute!!! And I love the bag! Wow! As for the pendants, another huge WOW!!! They are outstanding! Who wouldn't love to have one on a chain!
You have been busy girl!


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